The Dream.

I had this dream about a decade or so ago and I still recall it so vividly in my mind
like I had it last night and I've actually tried to send you this dream account before
but it always bounced back but with the other dreams from Hawaii maybe this is the
right time. We lived over in Waiehu on Maui at the time I had this dream.

In my dream I woke up as I would on a normal day about 5:00AM well before sunrise
went to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee, filled my cup and walked out to the
lanai that faced east to watch the sun rise. The house sat back from the beach park
a little over one hundred yards and about 50 feet above sea level.

As the sky began to lighten I could see something dark moving in the surf in front of
me and I couldn't make it out at first but then as it got lighter I could see that they were
soldiers getting out of some kind of small submersible. There were about
5 or 6 men, soldiers wearing dark uniforms and fully armed with long guns and packs.
At this point a voice said to me, "Koreans". I kind of laughed and thought to myself in
my dream "Koreans", Chinese maybe? but the dream continued.

As the sky continued to brighten I could see up and down the coast and saw many more
of these soldiers landing on shore in these small craft and realized it was an invasion.

I stood on my lanai watching this in disbelief but as the sky brightened even more I could
see further out in the ocean maybe a couple of miles and I saw large black submarines
You know regular military subs and figured that's where the soldiers were coming from.
Then the sky got brighter yet the sun almost to the horizon and out even further, past
the submarines I could see a large container ship and knew that this was also part of
this invasion and contained everything any military would need to complete this invasion.

Then I finally woke up. Really shaken. Thinking "Koreans"?
But I wonder if the Chinese would use the North Koreans as a sacrificial first wave for any
possible invasion because everyone knows that North Korea is a proxy for China.

If anything remotely similar to this were to happen we wouldn't stand a chance.

Pray for strength, wisdom and mercy.

Brother in Jesus

Nov 1, 2013

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