My shepherds have abandoned their folds and the sheep are left to be scattered to the four winds. My house is left in disarray as the shepherds pursue mammon. The city is in disarray and there is no balm in Gilead.

(A side note - I don't know if the timing of this was significant, but I received this 360 days prior to the gay marriage decision by the Supreme Court last year.)

Prophecy for America

Received July 1st 2014, 6:00pm

My shepherds have abandoned their folds and the sheep are left to be scattered to the four winds.

My house is left in disarray as the shepherds pursue mammon. The city is in disarray and there is no balm in Gilead.

Woe woe to the crooked city, where evil lurks and where wrong is called right. Mourning and wailing are the only things that await it, because they have turned their backs on the One True Shepherd and have wandered blindly into a trap. Wretched and hopeless are the ones whose ways are crooked and who follow what is right in their own eyes. Did I not bless you America and you have turned your back on Me?

Woe to you for Great is the Lord God Almighty Who judges you. Your slain shall lay in your streets and the burnt remains of your dwellings because of your stubbornness and hardness of heart.

Do you think the arm of the Lord is too short to accomplish these things? Do you laugh at the Almighty with pride and hardness of heart? For great shall be your fall and the world will be stunned at what they shall hear. Who has heard of such a thing in their day? Their ears shall tingle, and the world shall know that there is a God in Heaven who has judged you and found you wanting.

Now listen, My chosen ones, those who do My will and obey My commands. I have appointed you to represent me before peoples, kings, and nations. Do not partake in America’s sins lest you share in her plagues. That which is defiled shall be tossed out and burned. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Hear the Word of The Lord.

Jul 26, 2016

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