UPDATES ON FULL TRUCK STOPS AND MILITARY TRUCKING--My military friends seem fearful, and have become very tight lip, i would almost say paranoid. Brother, whatever is comming is very close.

Here is what i can tell you from my experience. As for the truck stops, yes, they are ridiculously full, alot of this is because guys are sitting days, and in some cases a week just to find a load. If you watch youll see the same guys there for awhile. Then there is also the bottle neck created by some of the new hours of service regs combined with electronic logs and tracking.
As for the gov end of it, i have seen a hell of alot of big convoys of military vehicles, 20 plus in a section, 4 or 5 sections spread out, more frequently now than just a couple years ago, and way more than i remember over the decades i been out here. Secondly, the volume of "government" shipments, (ie dod fema etc) available through "portal" (gov load board) has dropped significantly. I have quit doing military for the most part, for obviuos reasons. Things are way worse than most people think economicaly. This only touches the strange things ive been seeing lately steve. UN trucks in the middle of nowhere, unmarked c130s landing nowhere near airports or bases, new airports pop up in weeks with no aircraft in sight, Tent cities. My military friends seem fearful, and have become very tight lip, i would almost say paranoid. Brother, whatever is comming is very close.

Aug 14, 2016

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