If you are not yet concerned about the possible advent of World War III, then you should be


As you have noted, there are distinct rumblings of something big about to
go down. I read this one last night on James Wesley Rawles' "Survival
Blog" (https://survivalblog.com/). I think that this would be of interest
to your readers.

"One of my contacts who serves on a General Staff mentioned that the recent
news reports about contingency plans for a war with Russia have actually
under-reported the intensity of the planning effort. There is now a quite
frequent shuttling of general officers around the world, to attend
logistical planning meetings. My source mentioned that high level staff
meetings have been going on since the Ukraine crisis began in late 2013,
but they have recently intensified.

If you are not yet concerned about the possible advent of World War III,
then you should be. The recent policy shift toward the U.S. providing
lethal aid to the Ukrainian Army (approved by Congress in late 2015, but
delayed by the BHO administration and likely start in earnest, after the
November election) will surely be seen as provocative by the Russians. And
of course with so many proxy armies now in play, events could very easily
spin out of control in Syria. Stock up, folks. And if you still live in a
target area (read: in or downwind of a major population center or a
military target), then it is high time to relocate. John Lithgow (as Dr.
Emilio Lizardo) said it best: The clock, she is a-ticking! JWR"

Yours in Christ

Oct 13, 2016

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