AIRLINE PILOT'S EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY OF WEATHER WARFARE--While flying from Phoenix to Baltimore on Monday night I was able to see engineered destructive weather in central Mississippi.

Hello Steve,

I would like to introduce myself. I am an airline pilot with a major airline who lives in Virginia. Much of my time at home is spent researching current events and geopolitical situations to then circulate information to friends, family and people whom I work with which are in many cases current or former military personel. I have read most of your work, Paul Mcguires work, Zechariah Sitchin's work and many others. While flying from Phoenix to Baltimore on Monday night I was able to see engineered destructive weather in central Mississippi. The concentrated and energized nature of the storm was plain to see. I saw the RAT temperature in western Mississippi go from -34 to -27 at eastern Mississippi and then back to -34 in western Georgia. My route took me over Crestview. The cruise altitude was 370. The area that I saw this temperature change matches the HARRP signature map that I saw tuesday morning. I think the discussion of civilian airlines being equipped to do the geoengineering spraying discredits the discussion as I have never seen any evidence of this. However I have researched the geoengineering subject at length and have witnessed it from my own experience.SQ NOTE --I CONCUR WITH THE PILOT, IT'S MILITARY AND PRIVATE CONTRACT PLANES USED, NOT CIVILIAN AIRLINES,AS THE CLANDESTINE NATURE OF THE OPERATIONS IS AND WAS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE.

Apr 30, 2014

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