
I am now understanding why He has told me Not to share anymore.

Steve I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the word
you gave concerning "the things that have yet come to pass". It was
something that you stopped in the middle of the sentence on your program,
"Let God arise and His enemies be scattered". About holding onto those
things that have yet come to pass. Oh you hit on something that I have
been struggling with, with other believers. I have become very cautious
lately about sharing what the Lord has shown me and told me. I am now
understanding why He has told me Not to share anymore. You stated it
beautifully. You have been such a blessing Steve, and I know there are
multitudes who think that way. I know that you are on the front lines
doing what you are doing, but I don't normally email people I don't know.
I had to email you and let you know how you blessed me. I cried and cried
as you were saying it because it was meant for me. It was Him voice I
heard tenderly telling me to hold on to what He has given me. It is my
gift from Him. That message was for me tonight. I had just listened to
the message from July 9, The Lord prepares His People. I have 3 pages of
notes and all of you spoke of things the Lord had spoken to me on. I have
stocked up many supplies and ordered gold and silver from your company,
twice. But when Aaron said what he said about what the Lord told him to
tell the people, " Prepare to meet your God" What Aaron said about the
glory of the Lord in the latter days will be greater than the former.
There are people that He is raising up even in the midst of all those that
will go home to be with Him. To help bring in those that still don't know
Him. He spent 16 months giving me dreams and words. I had a dream on
April 13 of last year, Palm sunday, the whole Godhead was in my dream.
Jesus spoke to me of what He is calling me to. I felt that love, that pure
love the whole dream. He has told me things. I am learning to hold onto
to His promises. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for that word that I
know was not only for me. You are a God send Steve. I know that you get
alot of sour mail, but know this, that the Glory of the Lord is upon you
because you are being reviled for the sake of the gospel.
Your show is a blessing, exciting and informative. Thank you again for
that word. Just wanted to add this, the Father must get a kick out of you,
He loves to watch His kids. Keep your eyes on Him Steve and I know that
you know that, be like the horse with the gear that covers his eyes so that
he is not distracted by the things that are going on off to the side to
distract him. Keep looking straight ahead. That's good advise I need to
heed myself. God Bless you Steve.


Aug 24, 2015

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