

Good day Mr. Quayle,

Just wanted to say thanks for all you have done and are doing. Thank you for your hard work and commitment and also for standing against persecution and probably risking your life.

As a matter of interest:

In certain parts of South Africa the drought has been so bad that farmers are committing suicide. They had to send millions of litres of water to one part of South Africa.

As per my previous mail the cost of Maize has gone up almost 3 times. Some people estimate that food is going to increase by up to 25% on certain products.

I live in an upper class suburb so all appears fairy normal but I know for a fact we are not. I think much of America is probably like that. Everything still seems normal but there are powerful economic, spiritual, environmental and social forces that have been moving under the surface and the tidal wave is coming.

Thanks largely to your warnings, I have Gold, silver, food supplies for about 4 months and have been moving closer to the Lord by His grace. He is the only one that can truly take us through what is coming. My hope is that when the persecution comes that my wife, sons and I will be prepared to die for His glory. I believe He will give us the grace to do so if and when necessary.

All Gods blessings, wisdom, courage, provision and guidance for your ministry.

Jan 26, 2016

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