Dream: 2-man Slavic assassin team Jan 4, 2013
Brother Q, Bad dream last night: I was at work and heard a commotion on the plant floor. There was a group of employees surrounding two strangers, they appeared to be men of Slavic descent - Russian? I spoke firmly, who are you and why are yo... read more
Dream from reader 1-2-13 Jan 2, 2013
On new years day I had the most vivid clear orderly dream I have ever had. I was outside a farm house and I looked up in the sky at what I thought was a U.F.O. Then I sensed that they knew I was looking at them. It turned belly up and I saw U.S... read more
DREAM OF $300 Silver Jan 2, 2013
Good Morning Steve, I hope you are feeling better. You have been in my prayers. I need to share a dream I had, it was quick not like my others. I dreamt I woke up and put on the coffee, I turned on the TV the announcer sounded frantic...he said... read more
Word for 2013 - Ask for Understanding Jan 1, 2013
Wings of Prophecy Word for 2013 - Ask for Understanding By Glynda Lomax on Dec 31, 2012 10:00 pm My people, as you see, evil has continued to flourish in your world. Human life has little value to many and the enemy is working in the minds... read more
Prophecy spoken by Steve Hill Jan 1, 2013
These are serious days. He’s calling us closer. Live unsettled. Don't sink too deep into the soil of this earth. Keep your head up and your feet moving. Stay alert. Be sober. I'm coming. The day of My return is at hand. Loose yourself of any... read more
Dream concerning disarmament Dec 31, 2012
Steve, Last night I had a very vivid and crystal clear dream. I was in a car with a male partner (not my spouse), and we were driving out in the middle of some no where desert. We came upon a very large compound with hundreds of people in... read more
I could hear God say, " No, those aren't falling stars those are falling angels." Dec 30, 2012
Hi Steve, I have been reading the dreams and wanted to share two that I believe are important and fairly obvious. I was outside with my son and he said, " look a cumulonimbus cloud, " and I said, " That is not a cumulonimbus cloud, see that on... read more
We are in a time of decision, about whether we resist the evil which is about to be thrust upon us, or acquiesce. If we resist, there will be a great conflict, and a great amount of damage inflicted to our country by resisting. This act of resisting, r Dec 28, 2012
Steve- I wanted to let you know about a dream I had the night after Christmas, and a staggering synchronicity that just occurred a half hour ago. In the dream, I was standing in front of a crosswalk at a city intersection. I turned around an... read more
I saw in the sky stars falling down to earth. Only before they hit the earth, they became like men Dec 28, 2012
Last night I had a dream, it was weird. I saw in the sky stars falling down to earth. Only before they hit the earth, they became like men. Or what looked like men, only they were tall and they had long hair. They were not men though, from what I... read more
Hi Steve, I've stumbled into your website a couple months ago and have been checking in practically everyday since to keep tabs on the news articles that the "real news" never deems to be important. I am a person who has very vivid dreams and vis... read more
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