Was Dr Kelly - Vince Fostered?
July 20, 2003
By Sartre
This time all those conspiracy nuts started their swim from the other side of the pond. We all know that the English are surely above intrigue and sinister deeds, just ask Roberto Calvi, you know "God's Banker", as he hung from Blackfriars Bridge. All those suspect and secret financial dealings with the Vatican had the Holy See distance themselves from the 'suicide' back in 1987. That collapse of Banco Ambrosiano and subsequent fraudulent-bankruptcy surely couldn't involve American Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, then president of the Institute for Religious Works (IOR), the official name of the Vatican bank. Amazing that the official story of Calvi's death was finally rejected as the real cause of his fate.
Surely there can be no doubt about all that commotion over Vince Foster taking his own life, right? All those Yankee kooks that think the worst about Beltway spooks surely don't have any proof that collusion was involved with Hillary's other partner's 'suicide'. Who would believe those stories about him being a bag man for all those numbered accounts and frequent flyer miles in and out of Geneva? Poor old Vince left that note before he offed himself, didn't he? Surely we all accept the facts in that Fiske report, even if it was preliminary and sealed, right? Leaks and spin always seems to bring out the best in the press and the public servants. We can believe them, only a crackpot sees a plot in every park . . .
So surely, we can accept that Dr David Kelly bled to death, the New York Times reported it, and they never lie! "His wife, Jan, said on Friday that he had committed suicide". Aren't you glad you get such quality reporting from a source you can trust? If you doubt the Brits, how about that AFP news wire report, you can believe the French. Surely you can that stock in the Thames Valley police spokesman when he said: "there was no evidence anyone else was involved."
But for the purest, only the BBC can be reliable. News you know to be above the fray and leak proof.
"Iraq weapons expert Dr David Kelly reportedly warned of "many dark actors playing games" in an e-mail sent hours before he bled to death from a slashed wrist.
The message, sent to a journalist, appeared to refer to officials within the Ministry of Defence and British intelligence agencies with whom he had sparred over interpretations of weapons reports, according to the New York Times.
But his e-mail gave no indication he was depressed and said he was waiting "until the end of the week" before judging how his appearance before the committee had gone, the newspaper said."
If you seem a little confused, surely, you can have confidence in Tony Blair! When asked, hard at work in Asia, "whether the crisis would cause him or any of his top aides to resign and asked if he felt he had "blood on his hands", his reply was: "I hope we can set aside the speculation and the counterclaims and allow that due process to take its proper course. And in the mean time, all of us, the politicians and media alike, should show some respect and restraint." Boy, Tony must be retaining Robert Fiske to advise on perfecting restraint, in light of 'suicide' investigations.
Now that the BBC has disclosed that Dr David Kelly was the principal source for its controversial report claiming Downing Street "sexed up" an Iraq weapons dossier, what will a Prime Minister do? Surely, Sky News reflects the sentiment of the English - Kelly was the mole, and near three quarters of their polls say that Blair should resign. Wow, if only Americans had the same outrage when Vince was grazing on the grass.
It should not be overlooked that Dr Kelly was the senior adviser on biological weapons to the UN biological weapons inspections teams (Unscom) from 1994 to 1999, he was also, in the opinion of his peers, pre-eminent in his field, not only in this country, but in the world. Could it be possible - surely just coincidental - that the world's top microbiologists are dying. Note a pattern?
1. Nov. 12, 2001: Benito Que was said to have been beaten in a Miami parking lot and died later.
2. Nov. 16, 2001: Don C. Wiley went missing. Was found Dec. 20. Investigators said he got dizzy on a Memphis bridge and fell to his death in a river.
3. Nov. 21, 2001: Vladimir Pasechnik, former high-level Russian microbiologist who defected in 1989 to the U.K. apparently died from a stroke.
4. Dec. 10, 2001: Robert M. Schwartz was stabbed to death in Leesberg, Va. Three Satanists have been arrested.
5. Dec. 14, 2001: Nguyen Van Set died in an airlock filled with nitrogen in his lab in Geelong, Australia.
6. Feb. 9, 2002: Victor Korshunov had his head bashed in near his home in Moscow.
7. Feb. 14, 2002: Ian Langford was found partially naked and wedged under a chair in Norwich, England.
8. 9. Feb. 28, 2002: San Francisco resident Tanya Holzmayer was killed by a microbiologist colleague, Guyang Huang, who shot her as she took delivery of a pizza and then apparently shot himself.
10. March 24, 2002: David Wynn-Williams died in a road accident near his home in Cambridge, England.
11. March 25, 2002: Steven Mostow of the Colorado Health Sciences Centre, killed in a plane he was flying near Denver.
12. June 24, 2003: Leland Rickman, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the UCSD School of Medicine, died suddenly on June 24 while traveling and teaching medicine in Lesotho, Africa. Actual cause of death, apparently due to natural causes, is not known.
At least, on the surface, is the absence of the Vince Foster formula. Even judgment is currently being withheld about a Dr Kelly low tech method for hara-kiri. Surely, there could not be any connection? We all know that Lee Harvey Oswald was the exception, while a professional covers their tracks, who really thinks he was a patsy! All those wacko's would have you believe that you can't trust the Tony Blair's of the world. How ridiculous, that's like saying the Vatican could do business with the underworld! And surely, only a weirdo would believe that Vince didn't act alone. Only oddballs would foster such a myth.
Aren't you glad that you are above such speculation and innuendo? All the "true believers", know that there is no conspiracy, cause the good guys tell us so . . . Surely, only the non-conformists would be cynical, and who would want to be one of those lamebrains? Being skeptical can only upset all the folks. Better to thrive in fantasy than risk reality. Asking too many questions may, surely, spread the fosterized plague. And who would want that? Surely, we all can do better - just believe the infeasible - it will emancipate substance from deduction. Ah, what a pleasant way to go . . .
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