Driving / Flying Tips

By Scott

I spend a lot of time out on the road and one of the things I have noted from my co-workers is that none of them are prepared in the event that some disaster strikes while they are on the road. Now some of these same workers have made some preparations for their family and home. This made me begin to wonder, "How many other frequent travelers are out there that have not availed themselves of the opportunity to be prepared while on the road?"

Here are a few simple things I have done to help myself be prepared while flying and or driving:

Driving: I have a medium sized backpack I keep in the trunk, contained in the pack are the following:

Light weight sleeping bag
Hands free LED flashlight with lithium batteries and spares
Two changes of outdoor clothing to include heavy socks, head covering, gloves and underwear
Medium weight waterproof and insulated hiking boots
Rain Gear
Polar fleece sweater
Multi-tool style pocket knife
Candle lantern
Waterproof matches
Three season single occupant tent
Solar powered am/fm/sw radio
Three (03) MRE'S with heaters
Bag of beef jerky
Bag of trail mix
Three (03) power bars
Electrolyte replacement powder three (03) servings
68oz. water bladder integrated in the backpack
Two (02) one liter water bottles
Intermediate first aid kit
Spare battery and car charger for my cellular phone
Map of the area, if you don‚t know how learn how to read a map
Compass or GPS (Even if you have a GPS, I would suggest learning how to use a compass)
Seven days worth of any required medications and or any dietary supplements
Water filter or water purification tablets
$500 in cash

Flying: I carry the same items listed above as a part of my baggage. I check one large bag big enough for the above listed items plus those I require for my trip. Sometimes this does make my bag a little heavy, but I have a wife and four children that I fully intend to return home to; regardless of how long it may take.

"Prepare for the worst and hope for the best."

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