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Situational Preparedness for Fall 2009: Viralby Anonymous The Novel A/H1N1 virus also known as the Swine Flu will affect you between now and Fall/Winter of 2009! This is 100% FACT! Whether it's a virus with a high death rate, a deadly vaccine forcibly administered to the public, a reason to declare martial law and crack down on those who can see or any number of possibilities, it will affect your world as you know it. If you can take yourself out of the trap for a moment, sit back and watch as the powers that be - bait mainstream media, independent media and the socially collective thought, you will see that they are ramping up to turn this fall into a disaster that they can manipulate into one of the worlds greatest grabs for power and what might possibly be the worlds greatest deception. The powers that be use verbiage in the news that incites emotion in it's readers just like a good author can get his or her audience to cry for a fictional character in a book and just like a good author, the powers that be leave the world sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the next word as if their very lives depend on it. Take these recent headlines as an example of how they are ramping up their language to get the whole world worried/scared about the coming flu and ready to take their pharma vaccine.
As you can see there has been an extreme language shift from what we've heard since the beginning of this outbreak and that's that this was the normal flu, nobody worry, nobody do anything, life as normal, keep society and money coming into the US as normal, blah blah blah. But wait! What's this? Haven't you wondered why every state in the US has been at their highest level of pandemic flu preparedness (which allows them to declare martial law at a moments notice, bypassing the normal needs and requirements being met) since the beginning and why countries are closing schools and businesses? Last time I checked, the world has never closed schools, shut down movie theaters and public gatherings because it was flu season nor have we implemented statewide preparedness issues. And it's kind of funny how Mexico was erupting into a civil war with gang activity but then a flu appeared and closed everything down, the military issued martial law and forced all activity to stop. But wait there's more! The US happened to be having Tea Parties and localized collective uprisings to the atrocities that were/are happening within our borders and against our citizens until a week-long scare of a deadly flu shut everything down and focused (baited) our brains to look elsewhere. Now don't get me wrong, I believe this flu is the real deal. I also believe through documented research that the earth goes through cycles where viruses become more virulent and I believe that we are in one of those cycles now but do not let yourself be baited into a trap that stops you from surviving. You will see disruption in your daily life as this flu returns in our fall and winter seasons (In the Americas). Whether there be truth to the dangers as they are represented to us or whether the powers that be use the bait to bring about even more devious things, I do not know. But you must be prepared for these disruptions. What should you do? You should follow through with your preparedness planning and prepare to stop at a moments notice, close up shop, stay at home and wait until you can get your eyes and ears on some fact about what's going on. What should you not do? You should not let linguistic professionals (TPTB Psychologists and behavioral experts) bait you into acting one way or another if it goes against the grain of what you know to be best for you and your group. The safety of humanity has always revolved around the “What if”. You wear your seatbelt because “What if” you got into a deadly accident, store food because what if the supply was interrupted… This working theory is simple yet effective but has been engineered out of today's western society. You don't buy adhesive bandages because you plan on getting a scrape but in the same note, society has taught people that it's extreme to buy an extra 2 weeks of food. Don't let this negative stereotype keep you from surviving and do not let the safety and survival of your group be compromised because the preparedness safety belt is considered taboo. You need to be prepared to blanket yourself from the world when disruption hits you between now and winter and close up shop until you know that you are safe to run the risks. How do you do this?
These are just a few of the things that you need to add to your preparedness schedule. But the bottom line is that you need to be ready for when (not if) this affects you this fall and not to risk your own life or the lives of your family by arrogantly or ignorantly believing the bait that media and the powers that be give to you. |
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