No longer will I lay in bed afraid the day to see For now God is my shield, my hope, my victory.
I lie in bed as the sun begins the day
Too afraid to rise, too cynical to pray
The fabric of my world is torn and frayed
Can this be a day that God has made?
Betting with tomorrow the odds become impossible
Finding peace in the world we live in is not plausible
Expecting more than yesterday is just improbable
Problems mounting cannot be drowned they are not soluble.
Satan’s words hang in my head with constant accusation.
The church is hurting and the spirit has left the congregation.
We all lie in our beds and fear the day; it is a world in expectation
of destruction of our comforts while our souls cry for “emancipation.”
What we thought would set us free has rather made us enslaved
And rather than flee the game we sit with satan and we say
Deal me another hand for I will satisfy that for which I crave
And so the odds continue to build as the church sits down to play.
And now it has come to this that we must live in fear
Ignoring the call that comes from God wanting to draw us near
Can we even hear the call when it is ourselves that we hold dear?
And impossible to change it all are the only words we hear
But these words are lies not from God but from the enemy
Jesus died, was crucified and He has won the victory
Not a victory for Himself but for all mankind and me
And impossible is overcome through the Christ of Calvary
Impossible is where God specializes
And while satan continually emphasizes
That our hearts are black and he criticizes
God is waiting, His forgiveness revitalizes.
Nothing is too difficult for the God of all creation
Nothing is impossible for the God who made presentation
Of His love which cost His Son given without hesitation
I will run to Him because it’s time to live without trepidation.
To conquer the impossible is simple to achieve
It can be done by anyone who will face it on their knees
No longer will I lay in bed afraid the day to see
For now God is my shield, my hope, my victory.
By Randy Conway
Mar 14, 2014
