Men are unwilling or too afraid, to act, afraid to speak, the truth is feared The tolerance of the people bears a price, costing all that we hold dear.
Threating, the always foreboding “EMP” seems daily imminent to appear
We sit silently apathetic, waiting at the precipice of a Dark Frontier
Men are unwilling or too afraid, to act, afraid to speak, the truth is feared
The tolerance of the people bears a price, costing all that we hold dear.
The threat of a global monetary reset is continually ignored, riches are revered
Facing the threat of financial ruin we have arrived at the dawn of a Dark Frontier
Men holding on to earthly treasures with an iron grip, others holding on just to persevere
Regardless of social position the strength of their grip is fueled by a growing fear.
Our reality is all governments play the people as pawns in their game of social engineers
As a New World Order encroaches moving us continually closer to an unknown Dark Frontier
Trusting elected officials, trusting our ignorance, believing A New World Order is nothing queer.
Trusting the talking heads spewing lies from hell, telling the masses what they would have us hear.
The threat of war is at our door; everywhere the sound of marching draws ever near
Public servants militarized, drones fly in the public square, signs of the coming Dark Frontier
All warnings, all truth, all light is quickly crushed lest the sleeping masses hear
Still a faithful few remain vigilant in proclaiming truth, listen those with ears.
Men playing with the weather, experiments with sound, skies filled with poison raining down like tears
Conspiracy is the lie that turns men’s heads away, calling truth conspiracy to hide the Dark Frontier
Science playing with our DNA, longing to be immortal pretending they are gods they will have no peers
The scriptures foretold these days would come; the darkness is now sharpened, piercing like a spear.
The darkness is more than just the absence of any light. It consumes all men and minds are seared
Darkness bearing the fears of night, this will be our existence in the New World Dark Frontier.
Darkness flourishes, then feeds the black hearts of men whose love of sin is hellishly sincere
Hope is not lost and not every future dark, Jesus Christ who is the Light has promised He is here.
Our future is ours to choose. Our actions, words, the condition of our hearts determines our years
Our choices will determine our tomorrow. We can choose hope or succumb to the Dark Frontier
We can choose to prepare or we can ignore, we can repent or we can continue darkness to revere
Jesus made a way through His blood at Calvary. The future is yours to make the choices are very clear.
Enter into Light or enter the Dark Frontier.
By Randy Conway
Mar 22, 2014
