Dream says Russia and the United States Already Decided to Have War World III with Nuclear Weapons
Many of the dreams you have posted are already coming true and they are so similar to each other, it doesn't matter who's dream you post now...because we are so close to everything coming true that they are all have the same messages.
Now the final piece, the action that finally calls for Russia to strike...is in place, Canada is shipping military supplies to Ukrainian rebels! Russia now has no choice, Russia must respond militarily, and start shooting down Western planes and perhaps go as far as set off a nuke on U.S soil...no country with an once of sanity can do otherwise when their enemies are getting military support.
Now I can see exactly why this scenario from a dream I had in September is to play out, exactly like the dream says, Russian tells the U.S stop (military aid to rebels) or we set off a pre-positioned nuke in California as in a dream you posted September of last year, and many more like it by others!
Dream says Russia and the United States Already Decided to Have War World III with Nuclear Weapons
Dreamed September 17, 2013 This is a lucid dream I had so I was aware I was dream and could question the dream.
I was in California visiting someone else’s house. People from all over the neighborhood were gathered together huddled around the TV. Nobody does this anymore so I wondered what was happening to bring all the people together like this. Everybody was scared and completely focused on the television news. Dept. of Homeland SECURITY, police, fire, and military were all on high alert looking for the missile that the Russians had smuggled into a certain California city that Russians said they would definitely detonate. The location and city was not known so everyone was looking. It was a nuclear warhead the Russians hid a long time ago as a way of launching a first strike without having to launch any missiles immediately. They could just detonate with a signal. Russia had told the US government it was there and it will be detonated if it’s demands were not met. I was aware that I was dreaming. I argued with this dream scenario and said, ‘Oh come on, the Russians don’t want a war. They showed this when they made an agreement that if Syria turns over its chemical weapons, there would be no air strikes on Syria.’ Then a voice resounded like thunder in my head and all around me said this. “The situation is not what it appears to be! The tension between Russia and the United States is higher than it ever was at height of the Cold War. Both sides have already decided to have World War III with nuclear weapons!”
Aug 10, 2014