I could hear God say, " No, those aren't falling stars those are falling angels."
Hi Steve, I have been reading the dreams and wanted to share two that I
believe are important and fairly obvious.
I was outside with my son and he said, " look a cumulonimbus cloud, "
and I said, " That is not a cumulonimbus cloud, see that one over there
is." As I was saying that the one he pointed at turned pink on the bottom
and darted quickly to the right. I said, " see clouds don't move like
that." Dream changed and it was evening and we were at this small house way
out in the country with a big wrap around porch and my whole family was out
there to watch a meteor shower. Right at dusk two huge green balls of light
hit the ground to the north of us, we all jumped up and started forward,
then three more hit, there was no sound or indication of impact. I said
those are not meteors, I could hear God say, " No, those aren't falling
stars those are falling angels."--R.W.
Dec 30, 2012
