Saul’s mantle is being removed.I am going to strike the false shepherds and scatter the sheep so that I may bring them close to Me, sayeth the Lord

This morning in my time with the Lord, He said these words to me: Son, tell My people that I hear their cries to Me.
Word of the Lord:
Oh, My people, hear Me this day. I am doing a new thing in the earth that many of you know not of. I shall reach down from heaven and strike the false shepherds and many shall run and flee. And many of My sheep will be dumbfounded and think that I have forsaken them. Not so, My little ones. For I shall NEVER leave or forsake My children.
But hear Me, My little ones. I am moving across this land to bring down those shepherds that have exalted themselves and not built My church. Many of the shepherds fatten themselves by fleecing My sheep. And many of My people love to have it so. Oh, My dear children, hear My heart crying out to you this day. Come out! Come out from among all that is not of Me and follow Me, sayeth the Lord.
I am going to strike the false shepherds and scatter the sheep so that I may bring them close to Me, sayeth the Lord. For I am raising up true shepherds. And these shepherds will teach My truth and My love and lead My sheep into true relationship with Me just as I have purposed from the beginning.
Oh, My people, hear Me. Time for playing church is over. For I am removing the mantle from Saul and placing it on my servant, King David. This is a spiritual truth, My loved ones. Those that do not know Me, do not know the truth of My word. Therefore, I speak in parables. But for those that know and understand what I speak in this parable, get ready for your hearts to be thrilled. For the time of My kingdom has come. And those that have a love for My truth shall be shown the way into My kingdom. But for those that I call imposters and do not have a love for My truth, get ready to be confounded. For Saul shall be taken down from his throne. But not before he shall be filled with a defiling and tormenting spirit.
Oh My little ones. Did you think that the stories in my word are merely stories? They are spiritual truths, I tell you. And so now I tell you that all the Sauls that do not willingly step down from the throne shall be filled with defiling spirits. And those that follow them shall be filled as well.
But for My king Davids, get ready to be exalted to kingship and do My bidding. But do not think this will happen without being persecuted by My Sauls. For even though I may have anointed them for a time and season, they are now in disobedience to Me.
Oh, My little ones, do you not understand these words of Mine? I love you all and it is My greatest desire to give you My kingdom. But My kingdom shall only be for those that have a love for My truth. Therefore, I speak in riddles that only those with ears to hear may understand.
I love you all, My dear children. But now is the time and season for My house to be raised up and My kingdom to be established. Get ready, My little ones. And seek Me diligently that you may be found worthy. For all the Sauls and all that offend shall be cast out of My kingdom, sayeth the Lord.

Jan 16, 2013

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