I noticed a blue pick up truck sitting on the nearest cross road to our property which is about a 1/4 mile away watching us with high powered binoculars

I'm concerned. ..
I have been in communication with norm olson wanting to know about any
active and viable militia in the state of Wisconsin and about a week ago
noticed a blue pick up truck sitting on the nearest cross road to our
property which is about a 1/4 mile away watching us with high powered
binoculars I know a lot of people might think I'm being paranoid but the
reality of it is I am ex military and I worked both as a correctional
officer in the state of Texas and as a federal law enforcement officer for
the Department of Justice Bureau of Prisons so in general I stay very aware
of things going on around me my life kind of depends on it. I'm very
concerned for the safety of my family. ...J-in Pittsville Wisconsin

Jul 18, 2014

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