The problem is that the early stages of the ebola infection are high fever, vomiting and diarrhea and she said that people come in every day with those symptoms.

Aloha Steve,

Hope you are well and your prayers tonight on the Hagmans are needed by

So much to tell but don't know where to start.

I really appreciated the quest Dr's. visit on the show. I think that I told
you before that three of my sisters are nurses and when I asked one of them
about e-room protocols for ebola symptoms she laughed at me and said that
there are none. The problem is that the early stages of the ebola infection
are high fever, vomiting and diarrhea and she said that people come in
every day with those symptoms.
I appreciate Dr. S's thought of contributing money to the efforts to aid in
the stricken areas but this is the conventional wisdom of this world to
throw money at something to fix it. In actuality isn't it money that
exacerbates the problem by flying more people into the "Hot Zone" and
purchasing fuel and vehicles to transport the medical personnel or the
infected spreading the disease. I think you understand my thought here.

Many things going on around the world.

I did make contact in my travels with a Russian soldier. Yes a Spetsnaz
officer. Very intelligent.
We had a nice and rather esoteric conversation on a number of subjects. I
will keep him as a contact and let you know if anything pressing comes up.
But I can say that things are farther along then you think.

In the beginning of this year the Lord told me that "The Killer Was Here"
and I told you. You asked me what it was, was it a meteor?
You should understand by now that all means of death are at his disposal
and he will use them all.

Earlier this week the Lord impressed upon me that the population on earth
is declining. I don't know how or where but the feeling impressed upon me
is everywhere. Make no mistake there are less people here today then there
were yesterday. The wicked one will say otherwise until the end.

The world of false religions are consolidating their forces for the final
battle and are misleading many peoples. the attacks have been coming for
months now all claiming to be from god but they are not. I tell them that
Jesus told me not to go to their church and then show them Matthew 24:23-26
and they change the subject. The devil himself can't argue with Jesus.

On this same subject of the religions consolidating, within the past few
weeks the pope declared that if you are a Christian then you are a
Catholic. I can tell you that I'm hearing the words coming from many
"Christian" religions coming into alignment with one another and all seem
to slowly aligning with the Catholic church.

The battle is nearly here.
Warn all not be mislead.

Aug 9, 2014

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