The enemy has penetrated our gates! Flags of both surrender and death now fly over our land
That is what God is telling me, "The enemy has penetrated our gates."
We have seen it in the natural. The influx of illegal immigrants. Sickness and disease. Grey terror in various forms. And more. White flags instead of America's flag flying, and the picture of a black flag in front of the White House.
But it is one thing to see with one's eyes what is presently happening. It is quite another when God speaks it! He pointed it out. Realizing the spiritual truth of the physical events - that is when it becomes stark reality! There is no more escaping the awful facts. The gates have been breached.
May God bring repentance upon our nation, and may He have mercy on His people. And may He grant us a harvest of souls for His kingdom.
Aug 11, 2014
