Steve, I work for a Company that owns 5 Online Ammunition Sales Websites
Mostly, I am a CSR (customer service representative) for the first 2 listed above.
I answer phone calls and emails all day long. Most of the time, I take orders for ammo or answer questions that are gun/ammo related.
Today, I took an order from a gun dealer in Ohio. He was wanting to procure 255,000 rounds of ammunition for the Cincinnati Police Department. He gave me a list of how much ammo he wanted to order...
- 9mm - 50K
- .40 cal - 55K
- .357 Sig - 50K
- .223 - 100K
On orders of this size (anything over 10,000 rounds), I have to forward to my supervisor for discounted rates. I did not get any more information. The guy on the phone only used his first name (REDACTED) and just said that he owned a gun store in Ohio and was trying to procure ammo for the CPD. So, I did not have the opportunity to ask any questions.
After I transferred Rich to my supervisor, I told a fellow CSR what just happened in AIM instant chat. He told me that he had a similar order last week, from a Sheriff's department in Indiana for 100K rounds of miscellaneous ammo.
We are small and only operate 5 websites on the internet. I would imagine that this type of thing is happening to many other ammo websites too?
Seems like more than just the Social Security & DHS etc are gearing up for what is coming. Reading about these .gov agencies buying all the ammo that they have been buying is eye opening, but to be on the phone talking to someone trying to procure this much ammo for a police department, is chilling!
If I have any more of these orders come through, I will let you know. I will be better prepared next time and I will try to slip in a question or two to get more info.
Just wanted to let you and your readers know.
Sep 9, 2012