'If' this Ebola virus gets outside the Dallas/Fort Worth area, a scenario comes to mind where portions of Texas are either put into quarantine or under martial law.
Mr. Quayle:
I just listened to the radio broadcast you participated in with Greg Evensen yesterday on Hagmann's show. There's an interesting bit of news you may not be aware of.
I reside in Houston, about 22 miles north of the northern part of the downtown area. Houston's local media for the past several days have been warning motorists that there will be a total closure of a portion of I-45 in both directions for the entire weekend; the closure is between Woodlands Parkway & Hwy. 242; I'm attaching a link to some coverage:
While I don't necessarily see anything sinister in this scheduled closure, I do find the "timing" of this closure to be interesting. Local media is posting alternate routes for those folks who will be driving to Dallas this weekend to attend the Texans/Cowboys game on Sunday (talk about bread and circuses for the masses!).
If this Ebola virus gets outside the Dallas/Fort Worth area, a scenario comes to mind where portions of Texas are either put into quarantine or under martial law. Rachel Maddow, on last night's show on MSNBC, had a segment that addressed the Ebola case in Dallas, that Texas is one of only 13 states certified by CDC for Ebola testing, handling, etc., and given that, how did Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital botch things as badly as they did? Why did the patient's relatives wind up being locked in a contaminated filthy dwelling with an armed guard outside to prevent them from leaving when they should have been evacuated to a safer, non-contaminated area, even if that meant a place on a military base (TX is loaded with them)?
Houston is the energy capital of the planet; ExxonMobil's new campus is in The Woodlands (about 7 miles from my home). Given how rapidly things are changing, it won't take much for the whole house of cards to implode.
God keep you safe, sir.
​Houston, Texas​
Oct 3, 2014
