Below is a list of countries that have confirmed cases of Ebola: Is Mainstream media facilitating mass murder by omitting facts?
Below is a list of countries that have confirmed cases of Ebola:
· Every country in Africa
· Spain
· Italy
· France
· Germany
· Poland
· Greece
· Turkey
· Saudi Arabia
· Yemen
· Oman
· Iran
· Kuwait
· Vietnam
· Myanmar
· India
· Indonesia
· Australia
· China
· Brazil
· Venezuela
· Mexico
· United States
· Canada
What you’re seeing here is the initial global footprint of the Ebola virus. It is most likely that each one of the above countries has more than one case; and, they are struggling to maintain the public’s confidence. We should see a second global wave of Ebola cases following a brief incubation period. The secondary global outbreak will be under-reported, as well. Around the end of October/beginning of November, during the tertiary wave, it will become apparent this is a global pandemic that has spiraled completely out of control.
At this point, economies will start to falter, airline travel will decline rapidly, and governments around the world will blame each other for lack of truthfulness.
One may appropriately expect the spread of Ebola through the international community to look like the spread of Enterovirus-68 in the United States:
1. Initial outbreaks played down and under-reported.
2. Initial reporting suggests the government and health agencies are responding appropriately.
3. Spread has reached several states.
4. Number infected suggests it is completely out of control.
5. Confirmation that it is completely out of control.
6. Increase in morbidity and mortality.
7. Public panic ensues.
It is possible the spread of Ebola will burn through the population like the flu-both have similar infection mechanisms and life expectancies in the external environment. Let’s pray this assessment is completely wrong!
Oct 6, 2014
