Things are getting so weird in New York City,that You can feel the fear in the air every time someone sneezes on the subway or even has the least little sniffle and the conversations around the water cooler are all about Ebola and what to do.

Hi Steve,

Things are getting so weird in the City. You can feel the fear in the air every time someone sneezes on the subway or even has the least little sniffle and the conversations around the water cooler are all about Ebola and what to do. When I first heard the news of the doctor with the disease in NYC, it hit very close to home as the A train is the train I ride every day and I use Uber cars all the time. It almost felt like the dark side was threatening me directly and it was all I could do not to pack my bags and run -- though I have no where to go because my whole livelihood depends on me being here as I am trying to get my new business off the ground and act the confident professional, business as usual...

Because I am an artist, I see much of the programing the NWO is doing now in the direction the art scene is leaning. Last month there was a special exhibit in the Metoropolitan museum of art about a Muslim prophet with huge banners hanging down among the pillars out front of the building announcing the event. For the past three months a Giant Chimera of sorts was erected in the spot where the famous Christmas tree sits at Rockefeller Center. It was a huge half dog/half man head taking up just as much space as the tree does but made of flowers. Quite ominous. They just took it down. Now I am thinking it was a slap in the face of all things Christmas as it so closely preceded the tree's arrival. I walked past Columbus circle last night and there is a new sculpture standing of what looks to be a 110 foot tall chimera of a half Chinese man/half pig (it has a pig head) with a camera hanging on its neck and holding what I can only describe as either a handful of dirt or excrement. (My first impression was the latter.) Around the corner are the windows of Bergdorf with a creepy Halloween theme. There are images of aliens in the windows, creepy witch costumes, the head of Frankenstein, and one widow (which felt like a direct insult to God) was depicting a snake crawling down a tree to tempt the mannequines and an image above of Adam and Eve with the tiniest fig leaf coverings placed next to a horrible black demon. And last but not least, while coming home on the train yesterday, I see an add for a new installation coming to the MOMA I think it is. The exhibit is called "Chinese America" with the subtitle asking "What is an American?" and a big photo of a Chinese lady's face with the words inclusion/exclusion. Instantly in my spirit I was reminded of all the shows you have spoken of where you say how the Chinese are here and how they own most of America. It seemed like they were throwing it in our faces it with this ad! K.F. NEW YORK CITY

Oct 29, 2014

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