CONFIRMATION OF LAVA FLOW POSTING:'But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.'
Hi Steve,
I just read your post in the alerts section about Psalm 1 and the lava flow photo. Thank you for sharing that! The group of saints I'm with had a time at the beginning of this year where we prayed about the upcoming year privately and then shared what we thought God was saying to us a couple weeks later. This is what the Lord was speaking to me about (ties directly in to what you shared):
He gave me Psalm 52
(Notice that David wrote this Psalm while experiencing persecution from Doeg and Saul)
God emphasized verse 8:
"But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever."
The word "green" carries in it the idea of "flourishing" & "fruitful". The Lord gave me a phrase to go with this verse: "Planted in My Presence". In all his trouble, David experienced the refreshing peace and abundant life of God in his heart, mind and soul because he "trusted in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever." Our inheritance as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ is to be planted in the presence of God! Like a tree with its roots in heaven, drinking in the presence of God which is NEVER diminished, lacking or threatened by anything the enemy can do - is then able to flourish and bear fruit - manifesting that presence of God to others no matter what is going on around them.
As I shared this, a faithful sister said she had got Psalm 1 from the Lord during her prayer time with a very similar message.
So be encouraged brothers and sisters! Lay hold of your inheritance which is God Himself by fully putting your trust in Him! There is always an infinite supply of the life-giving, enabling power of the Holy Spirit available to you to walk with Him wherever He leads!
Thanks Steve for all you are doing! Hauns
Nov 1, 2014