Grocery observations-Hey steve i started working at grocery store in early november. Ill keep you up to date as things progress. Btw Im in central kentucky.

Hey steve i started working at grocery store in early november. Ill keep you up to date as things progress. Btw Im in central kentucky.

1) i am hearing lots of complaints from customers about popular items no longer being available... like pork and beans and egg nog. Vendors were irritated because their normal popular, holiday items that they stock the shelves with every christmas season were not delivered this yeari.

2) i do seafood ordering and my orders are not being competely filled. The distribution center is frequently shipping fish that expires in 3 to 4 days when we used to get 7 days or so lead time. They are sometimes sending 'bottom of the barrell' product too, i presume to just fill the order.

This is only anecdotal observations and could be related to higher than expected holiday demands, but i think that doesnt explain it entirely

3) The effects of inflation are getting more extreme as companies are keeping prices the same but packaging less product. Eg there are not as many ritz crackers in packages and graham crackers have gotten smaller, wine bottles have gotten thicker or the bottoms are bubbled up higher to dicrease total volume. They are doing this in a deceptive manner to maintain a higher profit margin for as long as possible... (Amos 8:5) because of these deceptive practices and the grocery stores trying to keep the appearence of having a lot to offer, it wont be until hyperinflation hits that the 'dull' general public will catch on... which we know from dave hodges "canabalism article" how that will go...

Dec 28, 2014

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