I talked with a co-worker tonight who is a reservist in the Army National Guard. He said that no one in his unit can get any answers on Operation Jade Helm 15. They are being ordered by command to not inquire about it, which is making them suspicious
I talked with a co-worker tonight who is a reservist in the Army National Guard. He said that no one in his unit can get any answers on Operation Jade Helm 15. They are being ordered by command to not inquire about it, which is making them all grow more suspicious and wary about what's going on behind the scenes. He said that all of the non-commissioned officers know they are purposely being kept in the dark about the true intent of Jade Helm, and that it truly is "unconventional warfare" and unprecedented for the U.S. military.
Also, today a local friend of mine and a former Marine buddy went to get eyes on the Walmart that closed in Brandon, FL, which is 30 miles from me here in Lakeland. From their vantage point they could see that the store was heavily guarded by DHS troops, and that a train which was stopped on the tracks adjacent to the Walmart was laden with military hardware, and more surplus gear in the surrounding area waiting to be staged.
All of that for plumbing problems and/or employee standoffs, right?
I watched the video by Dr. William Mount of Channel 77 in Seattle, describing a U.S. Army logistics class he took in which the Army had strategically set-up a concession of Walmarts throughout the nation in a backroom deal to be repurposed as federal military supply depots/distribution bases in the event of a national crisis:
http://youtu.be/PS7Jl1dMIOY (3:03)
That makes a lot of sense, considering their strategic locations in every major American city, access to major roads, their vast warehouse and floor storage space, and the pre-existing surveillance systems already in place at every store.
With that said, I also took to heart the recent alert on your Alerts page from the former Navy Seal regarding America’s police state, the border, Russia, Walmart and World War III:
Those are all questions which no one without a security clearance is privy to the answers. Deception is, as you know, inherently the hand of evil.
It is getting very close, and every veteran buddy of mine I talk with agrees that with the scope and scale of this operational roll-out, the federal government is preparing for a major event, whatever that may be. And it's right here at home, in my county. With that realization, a lot of my people here are at a heightened state of alertness and readiness, anticipating the worst.
Also troublesome is the connection of Jade Helm (Stone Guide) to the Georgia Guidestones, America's anti-human Stonehenge-like outdoor temple of the sun.
Stay alert! For our adversary knows he has but a short time left.
Apr 23, 2015