SEAL-MAN-The signal warfare works best on an individual if they are on some form of mental health medication, it seems to connect to a category of vibrations that are created from a person’s medicated energy.

My thought is this: I have had ringing in my ears for 5 months now. It’s constant, always there, sometimes more intense than others. So I believe this woman. From what I have researched, it’s usually a combination of wifi, cell towers and smart meters being used to alter moods, cause physical disorientation and sometimes death.
'The signal warfare works best on an individual if they are on some form of mental health medication, it seems to connect to a category of vibrations that are created from a person’s medicated energy'. This is the ultimate reason why these medications have been pushed so hard.
If many people are experiencing something like what this woman has explained, it is a blanket signal aimed at an area or specific populous. The only way around this is to move out of the area, I suggest at least a few states away.
Of course, the only real protection from this demonic activity, and it is demonic, is to REPENT and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I was just actually led to capital the word ‘REPENT'.
This is like a Sci-Fi movie Steve.

Jun 12, 2015

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