SEAL -MAN UPDATE--"Stalin didn’t build gulags to sit empty, Hitler didn’t build concentration camps to sit empty. Does everyone think the FEMA Camps are going to sit empty"?
Once gay marriage is passed in the U.S, this country will be entering the most dangerous time period in its history. Stalin didn’t build gulags to sit empty, Hitler didn’t build concentration camps to sit empty. Does everyone think the FEMA Camps are going to sit empty? Remember this term: HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF.
All the data out there, that has been reviewed, and much of it leaked on purpose, all points to the fact that Globalists have targeted the United States. If you had a 6 shooter in your hand, and you were playing Russian roulette, there would be 2 bullets loaded in the weapon - right now, and one in your hand ready to load. 75% + of the citizens in the U.S. will die in the next 5-15 years according to most of the statistics.
It’s two minutes to midnight, hell, they told us this, openly. There will be a catastrophic event soon, Janet Napolitano told us, we are in the midst of 500 days of climate chaos, the French PM and Kerry told us. There are survival food and water purification/filter commercials on mainstream news TV and websites. They have been selling survival food and water filters at Costco’s, Sam’s and other mega food outlets. They have to publish what they are going to do before they do it, it’s part of their satanic protocol. THEY ARE TELLING US WHAT THEY PLAN TO DO, AND WHAT IS COMING!!!
The one thing these morons didn’t think though, the Deagel type assessments. Remember SQ talking about Deagel a long time ago and everyone was half paying attention, these in-depth assessments numerical values apply to everyone on the planet. So bankers, politicians, military commanders, state representatives and high level government workers: The pit you are helping dig for others, you will also fall in yourselves. You’ve been lied to, used and when they are done with you, they will kill you.
Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Pray for your family, friends, neighbors and countrymen.
Jun 13, 2015
