Obama's new Executive Order on using Behavioral Science is nothing more than more Mind Control. Could this be the Strong Delusion spoken about in the Bible?

Obama's new Executive Order on using Behavioral Science is nothing more than more Mind Control. Could this be the Strong Delusion spoken about in the Bible? I think it is in fact an in your face demonstration of Strong Delusion. There has been so much mind control used against the people of the united States for decades, the people don't know what to think or how to act anymore. Lucifer is the father of lies and confusion. What has been going forward in the United States for decades is right out of Lucifer's Play Book.

I am 64 years old and I have come to understand the history my government taught me is a lie! What Obama is doing, now in the open, is not new. The only difference is Obama is refining the process of mind control of the masses. The news media, TV shows, Motion Pictures, Public Schools, and video games are all tools used in modern mind control. Before you tell me you do not believe mind control exists ask yourself if you have been persuaded to buy anything because you saw and advertisement. If your answer is yes, then you have been a victim of mind control!

The United States is now under God's judgment! This judgment cannot be stopped. The United States will fall! Your only hope is to be under the protection of Jesus. The next President or member of Congress is of no importance! Look back at past elections where people said if ???? wins things will change. To the disappointment of the voters nothing changed! All of the politicians are bought and paid for regardless of how much personal wealth they have. If they don't work with the dark side they will die in office!

The person who does not prepare and care for his family is worse than an infidel! If you have not gotten ready to the best of your ability then God will hold you personally responsible for the downfall of your family.

Forget about stopping what is occurring, get your house in order if it is not already too late.

With Jesus for Life,

Sep 17, 2015

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