So now we know, if there is no power most places won't sell you the goods if they have them or not. Desperate people act desperately and even if you are willing to pay they won't let you.

Hey Guys..I am writing to you today because I just had an experience a few hours ago that I never imagined in my life. Let me explain...We are having a funeral tomorrow at Church, we are serving a meal after the service. I went down to the Fellowship hall with Jim to set some things so it would be easier tomorrow. I had to prepare the ham and bake beans, I noticed we needed pineapple cherries and syrup. So Jim and I took off to Mountain City TN as we were driving towards Save A Lot I noticed a traffic light out, other that everything else appeared normal. When Jim dropped me off at Save A Lot I asked him to go across the street to McDonalds and pick up some burgers for Joe and his Boss. As I approached the sliding doors of the store they did not open I noticed the store looked very dark, like it was closed. A cashier opened the door by hand, I asked what happened, we lost power..I am thinking to myself One Second After...but this is worse...
I saw David the manager and said I only needed 3 items, he said the registers will not work. As he went into his office trying to call the power company I turned to the cashier and said can't you write down what I bought, and look the total up on the tax chart, then I can write the check and you guys can run it through the registers later she shrugged... I left thinking if there is an EMP they won't sell you any food can goods whatever because the register doesn't work..OMG..So I get to the car I told Jim what happened he said he could not buy the burgers I said why the lights are on over there they said their computerized registers were down..I looked at him and said are you kidding me they rather throw the food out then run a tab...OMG I said to him , so if there is no power most places won't sell you the goods because they either can't do the math,or have inventory issues, kiss EBT good bye..How Nuts is this they will not write you a physical receipt and take exact change or a check. Now I can understand not taking a check from someone you do not know but not from a regular costumer.Ya know guys I use to sell my old comic books for 1 cent to 5 cents I never needed a computer for that or to have any yard sale, or Bizarre or Fairs at schools a pen and paper and an old cigar box worked just fine. So we went to Food Country USA, purchased what I needed the lights kept flickering while I was in the store...I got done ASAP...Jim and I discussed how ridiculous the businesses affected acted.No common sense.. So now we know, if there is no power most places won't sell you the goods if they have them or not. Desperate people act desperately and even if you are willing to pay they won't let you.. I ask you what is wrong with this picture, you just can't make this crap up..By the way Jim now wants to read One Second After . Now the Farm Supply will be able to sell you items if they are marked, if not it may take awhile to look up the paper inventory, not sure how that would work in an emergency situation...What a nightmare....Joy

Oct 19, 2015

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