BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS AT GUN SHOWS : TWO MIDDLE EASTERNERS were found to each have multiple other loaded guns, and several other magazines. They were escorted to the front and I believe turned over to police.

I am a member of a local buy, sell, and trade Gun website called Spokane
Gun Trader. Another member of the forum posted the following information
that happened Sunday the 6th at the Spokane Gun Show. Information has been
verified by another member that was there at the gunshow and witnessed the
following involving two middle eastern men. Here is a copy of the post and
the events. So far this incident has not been reported on by the local
news or national news and we all know why. They are here and we all should
be on the lookout at all times as Scripture is being fulfilled each and
everyday. Time to turn to Jesus for he is our only salvation. Thankyou for
all you do.
The following is the actual post and events.
Make no mistake, THEY are HERE!

Postby Sun Dec 06, 2015 3:50 pm

Now stories will vary, but I got my information directly from the gentleman
who stepped in. There was a near miss at the gunshow today. Bill, an old
Corpsman type who checks guns and helps out at the gunshow saw two middle
eastern gentlemen enter the Gunshow today, Sunday. They were asked for any
guns and both seemed surprised and each turned over a loaded 10mm Glock.
Bill followed them after that as he noticed they each had "Syria" tattooed
on their wrist. Bill was distracted for a moment, but then was alerted by a
vendor that they were going booth to booth asking for "Assault Rifles."
When they were asked if they were WA residents they stated "We don't have
to tell you that," and one vender even asked if they were US citizens to
which they rapidly walked away. Bill caught up with them when on was either
reaching for his wallet or possibly a gun and Bill saw that he was carrying
another gun that was not checked at the door. Bill grabbed the gentleman
and noticing that the other was closing distance on Bill he asked for help
and another vendor and a shopper grabbed up the other gentleman. They were
found to each have multiple other loaded guns, and several other magazines.
They were escorted to the front and I believe turned over to police.

Now I was not there, I only heard from the man who was involved, and as
with any incident there will be a dozen versions, but I think the point
here is this is closer to home than anyone is comfortable with.


Dec 7, 2015

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