CERN- another symbolic ritual representing the birthing of the New World Order, and the ensuing chaos to come? And could this relate to all the military, FEMA, and emergency drills

The elite is projecting consistent signaling regarding CERN and Shiva/Kali destructive ritualism, mimicking Nimrod/Semiramis or Isis/Osiris/Horus mystery religions and dark cosmic wedding symbolism in particular.

On March 7, 2016, the Hindu festival known as Maha Shivaratri will be taking place. This is the annual celebration of Shiva, the Hindu deity, and his marriage to Parvati. In Hinduism, Shiva is said to be the god of destruction, and Parvati is said to be the goddess of power.

The Nataraja dance is what the Shiva statue outside CERN actually depicts.

(Skip to 13:24 for CERN)

From the comment section below the video:

"Why all the preparation? Why all the uptick in military drills, emergency drills, and police drills worldwide?

What exactly are they preparing for???

(Skip to 13:24 for CERN)

On March 7, 2016, the Hindu festival known as Maha Shivaratri will be taking place. This is the annual celebration of Shiva, the Hindu deity, and his marriage to Parvati. In Hinduism, Shiva is said to be the god of destruction, and Parvati is said to be the goddess of power.

THIS IS A VERY SYMBOLIC EVENT!!! Especially when the coming chaos and destruction are EVEN at the door! See the warning signals AHEAD OF TIME!!!

Now it shouldn't surprise us, considering the Nataraja dance that is also often associated with Shiva. It also shouldn't surprise us when we see an enlarged statue of the Hindu deity performing this dance just outside the offices of CERN, located in Geneva, Switzerland.

Why should this conCERN us, you may be wondering? And why has there been an uptick on "comets" and the "threat" of such? Ever since last year, we've been seeing a ton of announcements regarding the potential "comet threat" on very prominent dates: including this past Halloween, Christmas eve, and many others.

Why all of a sudden? Could this relate to weather control via HAARP and CERN? Could this be another symbolic ritual representing the birthing of the New World Order, and the ensuing chaos to come? And could this relate to all the military, FEMA, and emergency drills that we have been seeing these past few weeks?"

Mar 6, 2016

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