Confirmation of Romy's vision--Our Heavenly Father already has the means pre-scheduled to provide for us. Just like the donkey, the Upper Room and the loaves and fishes.
Re: Confirmation of Romys vision
Dear Brother Steve,
In the early morning hours of June 9 after 4:00 am (4:22 I think) our Lord
Jesus Christ by The Holy Spirit showed me in a dream/vision the physical
manifestations that will occur as a result of the demonic release that has
taken place [as Romy described in her vision that same morning]. After my
dream I was burdened in spirit and tried to go back to sleep. I decided to
log on to your website and you had posted faithful servant Romys word from
our Lord. I knew then that what I had been shown was true and I attest
that what Romy was shown is also true.
I was shown a panorama of the violence that will soon take place in our
own neighborhood streets. There were crowds of people gathered on the
streets of mostly young people and they were ready to cause violence all
around at the local stores and homes. This activity wasnt occurring in a
big city, but in a smaller rural town where we live. The anger on these
individuals faces was evil and determined, and they getting ready to ravage
everything around them. Some of the people had bandanas on their heads and
they were on a mission to destroy. This crowd was lined up and gathered in
the street and very synchronized. My family and I, along with people I
didnt know boarded ourselves in with plywood in our own homes or a building
of some kind. I looked to the main roadway and there was one (1) Sheriffs
officer in plain clothes with his badge on his shirt looking our way. I
realized that this was our only protection, just one officer! He had no
patrol car and no gun that I could see. Then I knew that we had to get
back to what I considered our safe house and protect our own self. There
were specific entrances and exits to our place and God shielded the violent
outsiders from seeing us. We were tucked away if you will.
God then showed me a house full of Christmas decorations and normal
day-to-day household decorator items. They all had layers of dust on them
and they were dilapidated. None of these items had a purpose anymore and
were all rubbish. The roof top to this particular house was torn off and
nothing inside was of use.
After slipping through an entrance to the safe area, there was one man
that appeared in front of me and he hung his head in shame and said to me I
am an abuser. Just then I felt the Lord Jesus compassion on him and God
revealed to me that he was an abuser because he was abused when he was
younger. I told the man the reason for his troubled life yet he hung his
head in shame and didnt feel worthy. [This says to me that there will be
repentant hearts during this time, yet very few]. God will bring them our
way for salvation to be introduced to them.
I then was taken above a body of water that looked like a big Bay, and
there was much chaos there too. Lots of boat and air traffic and not a
desired place to be since there was shooting from boats that were on the
water. I barely made it out of this situation but I was taken back to the
place where we were all protected.
God showed me this man (who was sick with a disease) and his wife as the
ones who were giving us the money or provision to maintain the safe house
which were in. Ive often wondered how God will provide for us during the
treacherous times to come, but this is reassurance that our Heavenly Father
already has the means pre-scheduled to provide for us. Just like the
donkey, the Upper Room and the loaves and fishes.
Dear Brother Steve, its time for the revelations to come forth as foretold
to us in Matthew 24, Revelation and Daniel. May the word of His testimony
go forth, and may we as His Children walk in the Spirit to fulfill Gods
Sincerely your sister in Christ Jesus,
Jun 11, 2016
