Every day the news is littered with demonstrate citations against Russia and it's people. At least Russia built enough bunkers to protect a very large majority of its populace
The political elite are trying to turn Russian into the modern day 'boogeyman'. That word in Russian depending on the variation is
"baba yaga". As you know I speak some Russian and I used to know many Russians. They are just as nice and polite as can be. They are for the most part straight forward and honest, more so than your average American.
Every day the news is littered with demonstrate citations against Russia and it's people. At least Russia built enough bunkers to protect a very large majority of its populace. America has built only more holding cells in the fema camps, which are coming. If you don't think they are, then I invite you to go to Burlington NJ. That's all I'll say about that.
People, honestly are you so ignorant of the ways of politicians? Take the best example thus far, Hillary Rodom Clinton. Hillary Clinton is the only person that would bring 5 more bullets during a game of "Russian roulette", with the fullest intent of finishing off all players except for herself.
By the way if Hillary does get the presidential throne "Russian roulette" is what will happen, except the nukes will replace the bullets. Difference is Russia is ready for this suicidal game and America will figuratively shoot it's self in the head if Hillary gets elected.
Oct 15, 2016