I made the effort to count such spent rounds as I could identify in all of the pictures I could find. While there are stacks of (loaded) mags obvious, in no picture did I count more than 50-60 spent cases
Regarding the recent Vegas shooting, I note that all of the weapons I have
seen in pictures are scoped rifles; despite some claims of a (9mm) Uzi
being used in some reports.
I plugged the area of operation into a ballistic calculator and drew a
rough sketch in CAD to determine shooting angle and appropriate holdover
for .223 and .30+ cal ballistics.
The set up is possible but as an experienced long range shooter I am
curious that any one without at least (some) if not (a lot) of experience
shooting "down" at such extreme distances and down angles would have enough
inherent skill to naturally be effective without some practice. As no
tracers were reported, with a holdover of anywhere from 8-12' the shot is
challenging without the addition of rapid fire. Many scopes have
sufficient field of view to manage this without modifying the mounts or
rails - but not all. I will be curious to learn more about (his) skill and
equipment as facts become known.
Which brings me to a simple but serious question:
Can a person be accurate using a scope on a rifle fitted with a bump fire
assembly at that range and height? I have not used one myself but wonder
if it would not be recipe for a black eye.
It does seem that a spray and pray approach could be effective but without
practicing such a setup it seems more unlikely (to me) without losing sight
picture. Maybe the shooter had a prone setup, a stable platform, sand
bags, and whatever - I do not think that information is public yet. But it
sounds "unusual" to me.
Lastly, I made the effort to count such spent rounds as I could identify in
all of the pictures I could find. While there are stacks of (loaded) mags
obvious, in no picture did I count more than 50-60 spent cases; maybe
150-200 in all, which is more consistent with the report signatures I have
listened to.
I am not making any claims here but it does not pass the smell test to me
Regardless, I thank you again for your tireless work and dedication to the
faith and the truth and look forward to more practical giant killing
In peace,
Oct 5, 2017
