You have passed legislation that has been to destroy the nuclear family, one man, one woman one life time. This as you know will have a very damaging effect on you children, at this point more drugs are given. In every way you have demonized a strong man,
Again, About the School Shootings
I indict the lawmakers of the United States. You have with malfeasance, removed all mention of morality and faith in the Public School System. It is a crime to mention the 10 Commandments. This will have a 100% predictable result, children raised in a amoral environment will have no respect for the life or property of others. You are wicked.
You have told Children they can be a boy today and a girl tomorrow and then anything else they want to be, What is it now 39 genders in your malignant warped minds. You Know the effect of this on a person, you know the predictable results yet you continue in this evil . You are Wicked.
After being churned through the public indoctrination centers, and these damnable and destructive teaching start to have their evil effect of which they will with certainty, you send them to the Sorcery clinics to receive powerful mind altering drugs, these also have a predictable result, you know that; yet because of you being in bed with Big Pharma you ignore that all. You know that all of these children who have committed these acts of mass murder are on these drugs. Drugs with the know effects of suicide and murder.
You are Wicked.
You have passed legislation that has been targeted to destroy the nuclear family, one man, one woman one life time. This as you know will have a very damaging effect on you children, at this point more drugs are given.In every way you have demonized a strong man, you seek to de-masculinity our boys, teaching them to wear vagina hats. You are Wicked.
Instead of allowing legislation to restrict access to graphic evil and murderous video games, you claim they are protected under the Bill of Rights and yet you have no problem restricting access to alcohol and tobacco. You know these games were developed for the military to desensitize soldiers in killing their enemy, again a 100% predictable result. You are Wicked
You promote race hatred by beating the race drums daily, you never let up with your class envy and promoting violence through racial struggle. You know that race hatred is the easiest of all hatreds to promote and yet you do it without ceasing. You are wicked.
You demonstrate you flagrant disregard for the law, you act as though you do not have to obey the very laws you write and in most cases you exempt yourselves from them. You know the result of this, you know it promotes lawlessness, but you do it in plain sight. You are Wicked.
You make the most graphic pornography accessible to children, you also know the effects of this on children. Pornography so vile, so degrading, yet you yourselves swim in in these pornographic rivers of filth. You are Wicked,
So when a school shooting happens and it is a wonder there are not dozens of these a week, you spout of about the gun, HOW DARE YOU.
If I was a conspiracy minded person, I would think you are in league with the Lord of Darkness, Satan. That you have a goal of wantonly destroying these children lives, and a nation as well. You do this so you can disarm the population and then be able to bring about your one world order.
You are Wicked.
I would think that if I believed in Conspiracies.
Feb 19, 2018