FROM SOUTH S.AFRICA:It is a volatile, arrogant, murder-spirited country, where your kind of ministry is non existent. Churches tickle the ears of the people, as that where the "churchmoney" goes.

Hi Steve. Pleased to meet you. Two years ago whilst reading Genesis 6 ....
Giants caught my attention which after reading these Old Testament since my
change with water baptism in 1990. We'll, this subject caught me, and went
to my laptop to find all I could on this subject I knew nothing about.
Yours was th first name I came across, then Tim Alberino, Tom Horn, Dereck
Gilbert, and NYSTV and all the guests, and more. There are no words to thank
each and every one of you .... suddenly there was technical colour with
understanding delux. I am an practicing sabbath day bible believer of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth. I set aside the sabbath to listen to your many talks,
read scripture from those talks on my own.
I spoke to a man in leadership of a church for about 40 plus years, and was
telling him all I had learned from you guys. His reply was " what does that
matter, it's the God of love now, and nothing other than that is important.
Wow, first I thought I had misheard, then saw his facial features. This
resulted in my just shaking my head in total disbelief. I do not go to
church anymore (as all churches are the Sunday ones), and after I was so
convicted about keeping the sabbath, there was just no purpose to try. Thus
I spend Much time listening to your subjects, then reading the given
scripture after for myself.
In my limited experience the church's here are the God is love etc sermons
(watered down milk). That subject matter is of no interest anymore as I
truly feel there is so little time to learn and absorb. The people who I
try and tell about Giants, Nephilim, Transhumanism, clones and how these
things are happening now, they ... just laugh and indicate I read too many
science fiction!
This is just a short note to say "THANK YOU", you cannot know the extent of
my appreciation. South Africa is full of ancestral worship mixed with
Catholicism, so much killings of small children is done for certain body
parts used to appease the ancestors, thereafter they eat the child's meat
within their ritual.
It is a volatile, arrogant, murder-spirited country, where your kind of
ministry is non existent. Churches tickle the ears of the people, as that
where the "churchmoney" goes.
My mind is reeling, and I have such excitement learning all these important
in depth subjects.
Please carry on with this over the top information. You, your partners, and
families are very blessed.
Your talks/discussions are very stimulating and important work, as I am a
definite student who already has reems of notes .... in preparation for
those who want to hear.
Bless you all ..... and will be in my thoughts a prayers.
Well done! CLH

Jun 19, 2018

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