One thing is for certain events in Venezuela will continue to escalate until a military intervention, to invade and secure oil assets, has happened. Regardless of how it happens, that surely is the goal.

What I'm about to describe to you is a possible series of events to come If you read my last post describing the phases of operations to take down Venezuela then you well better understand what I'm going to tell you next. I believe war is coming to our southern border, southern hemisphere and possibly the home front.

Today two oil storage tanks in Venezuela have mysteriously exploded and the Maduro government has not given a reason as to why or how it happened.
I'm curious as to who will be blamed? Perhaps the US? Maduro is now pointing fingers at the US for the blackouts but time will tell. That is, if the truth comes in time.

One thing is for certain, events in Venezuela will continue to escalate until a military intervention, to invade and secure oil assets, has happened. Regardless of how it happens, that surely is the goal. Soon we will see Russia and China step in and get involved in efforts to restore infrastructure.

Also today, President Trump discussed declaring the Mexican drug cartels a international terrorist organization. That includes drug traffickers and human smugglers. There's a lot of things that can come from this. If declared, Trump has given the green light for direct military action against our southern neighbor. Lets think about this now.

Whom do the cartels have on their payroll? The Mexican military, Mexican Federal Police and the Mexican socialist president, who is who a supporter of the Mexican drug cartels. Imagine this.

We drone strike a convoy in Mexico that is believed to be carrying a large amount of drugs but later it was discovered to be carrying people trying to make it to the border because they either paid the cartel for the trip or were apart of the sex trade. Either way, it would produce an international out cry.

What if, we try a raid on a cartel leaders home and he is being protected by the Mexican military? Our military fires on their military or vice versa? Well then that would be considered an act of war ladies and gentlemen.

All of this is building up to this point. The US is making an opportunity to invade Mexico. Dont believe me? Trust me I hope I'm wrong but I see this playing out just as mentioned above.

Now lets bring up another interesting point into play. Mexico backs Maduro, the current President of Venezuela. Well who backs both of these countries? Russia and China. Would our involvement in Venezuela and Mexico force the hand of Russia and China?

What if we then start a fight with Cuba and Nicaragua? Sound like too much? President Trump did say at the State of the Union Address that we would bring freedom to Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua.

I can only imagine just how bad this will be for us here in the states if the US government started wars in both hemispheres. We could realistically face sanctions against the US and possibly military intervention from NATO and the UN. I can see a representative from Russia or China saying this at the assembly, "Do you remember what the declared global threat of the world for the past two decades was? The US told us it was Radical Islam. Well now we have a new global threat. The United States of America."

How many countries are we conducting military operations in? And how many of those countries are in our best interests to occupy? If only I had to jump to conclusions maybelike what was proposed in the movie Office Space.

Why is the US Government pushing for global war, World War 3 if you will. Are we not hearing of wars and rumors of wars more often than many of us can remember?

We know that a world war 3 must happen for the man of "peace" better known as the Antichrist to come forth and usher in the new world order. There's so much more to this than one man can sit and write in one night, but as this progresses I will follow up with more.

I'll tell you that this is part speculation and observation on my part but I do back this up with much known intelligence. Fortunately, our government does not tell the world their military game plan. Even though some do leak through like Operation Nitro Zeus

Unfortunately, our government is telling us their intentions. They intend to start a war with every one. To seize the control of Venezuelas oil reserves and to go to war with anyone who will go against their sanctions. Like Iran, China, Russia and Venezuela. Remember, Trump said it was a mistake to go to war with Iraq and not take their oil.

Have you seen the movie Sicario 2? There's a s scene in it that was the most repeated commercial for the movie. The CIA agent tells his deep cover operative, "Your gonna help me start a war" the operative asks "with who?" The CIA agent replies "with every one". This is subliminal messaging at its finest.

I implore those who always say that guys like us are only creating fear to sell merchandise. Well, I work for a 3 letter agency and I have a 6 figure income, I am in need of no kick backs. But i do ask, that you do your own research and pray about this.

Pray for discernment and pray the BLOOD OF JESUS, over you and your family. Please don't laugh this off, get prepared for bad times to come.

Think about this, the best military action to take down the US, without getting into a fist fight with our military, is to take down the power grid. Have the prepared necessities for this at least. Food, water, medicines, abilities to provide warmth during harsh weather like we are going through now. These provisions dont take much to stock up on. I personally use Mountain House because it's so easy to buy at Walmart or a sports store. Have a way to prepare that food, and have a way to purify your water. Best bang for your buck in my opinion is the Big Berkey, and trust me those aren't cheap. But neither is your life and woe unto you who have children and have not prepared.

Dont forget your bible and guns.

God be with you all. WRECKER/WARRIOR

Mar 13, 2019

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