'Is every one in Hollywood and Washington a pedophile'? How have we come to be so wretched and so vile? There remains nothing hallowed or sacred anymore; The world is drunk with the wine from Babylon’s whore.

Is every one in Hollywood and Washington a pedophile?
How have we come to be so wretched and so vile?
There remains nothing hallowed or sacred anymore;
The world is drunk with the wine from Babylon’s whore.

From the center of this nation I look to the west
And I see a greenhouse for growing socialists.
It is no better when I look to the east;
The growth of progressivism just will not cease.
I look to the pulpits and there it seems
Too many are members of the Clergy Response Teams.
What happened to men such as Jonas Clark or James Caldwell?
If it were not for the Black Robed Regiments, America would have died where the soldiers fell.
It has become a repugnant stench to watch the rise of debauchery,
And the pollution of God’s instruction and our nation’s moral property.
If the Bible was still read at all and was not becoming illegal,
We might remember the love of money is the root of EVERY KIND of evil.
And by such desire we have pierced ourselves through with many sorrows,
Wondering now what will be the outcome of tomorrow.
How much more err can we survive?
How many more days with us will God strive?
I guess I should not be surprised that pedophiles are celebrated­­–
After all, the babies we don’t rape, we kill, and by government the killers are compensated.
Hollywood produces the material to educate a sexual predator,
But when they practice what is taught, the hypocrisies fly from the news editors.

We are sick and diseased with a vile infection
And the condition is worsening without objection.
Sin has infected the minds of the people so that they believe a lie,
And no one hears the tortured children when they scream and cry.
It is time to reverse this trend!
It is time for these sacrifices to end!
It is time for righteousness to stand
Before all that is left is the American wasteland!
It is time to preach the gospel, not the latest meme;
It is time to stop acting as if this torture is unseen.
It is time to remember history ­­and why men died;
It is time to rid our nation of all the Dr. Jekyll’s and Mr. Hyde’s.
It is time for the people of God to become the Ecclesia;
It is time to wake up and get off our preferred anesthesias.
Of course time doesn’t really exist, except for the now,
And now is when we need to kill our sacred cows.
Repent and seek the face of God while He may still be found;
Weep and sigh at the sins of the people with your face to the ground.
Engage in the warfare which the Army of God is called unto;
Stop only being hearers of the Word–and do.
Pray that the children may be saved.
Pray that God will reveal that which is depraved.
Pray that our nation will no longer be enslaved
By the sin that we let enter in and is taking us to our grave.
by randy conway

Jul 24, 2019

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