Make a conscious decision to eat healthy non-processed/non-fast food/non GMO-synthetic foods. Use the Armor of God for spiritual preparations and ensure that your decisions are biblically based.

FROM CELESTE:I have noticed over the last couple years unnatural appetites in humans, animals, and even plants. I did not put the dots together until now, that the cosmic natural and supernatural situation at hand, is provoking unnatural taste cravings and aversions.

At a subconscious level we are either craving unnatural or avoiding healthy options. I believe that the cosmic ray triggers the obsession to cannibalize that many people have been groomed for through their food product choices. Conversely, they have an aversion to healthy foods from the Creator. The cosmic rays actually change our metabolism. This is a physiological response changing they way we process foods in our body and even our taste buds.

The global elite are aware of this trigger, indoctrinating the population to crave human flesh which they covertly injected into the commercial food supply, awaiting the cosmic cannibalism trigger.

This may extend out to unnatural sexual appetites and carnal desires of the beasts.

During solar storms and sun-earth connections pay attention to what foods you eat. Make a conscious decision to eat healthy non-processed/non-fast food/non GMO-synthetic foods. Use the Armor of God for spiritual preparations and ensure that your decisions are biblically based.

Cannibalism will ensue from cosmic triggers as well as massive famine.

Aug 12, 2019

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