USPS and UPS as they are cutting our routes by the end of the year.We have six routes and the USPS is taking one to two towns off of each route..It had been a big secret because they were afraid we'll walk

First let me say thank you Mr. Quayle for all your tireless effort in
bringing the truth.
I read your article about Fed Ex and you mention the USPS and UPS as well.
Well I work for a private company that delivers the mail to small towns.
They are cutting our routes by the end of the year. We have six routes and
the USPS is taking one to two towns off of each route. It had been a big
secret because they were afraid we'll walk. Well now we know. They say
Bryan, Texas and a town in Georgia are "tests". I imagine they'll be
cutting my route pretty "bigly" because of the secrecy. The route carriers
at these small towns will have to drive to Bryan and get their mail then
drive back to their small town and deliver it. A total of 158 routes will
have to go to Bryan. And we'll just drive by those little towns and not
stop. It's insane. The owner of the company I work for doesn't pay us what
the route pays, for one, then they don't pay us layover time and we have to
sit with that truck for up to 7 hours after the morning run. Then there's
Amazon to deal with. We were told the other day that Amazon drivers take
priority over the mail. I don't know what the future holds but I'm sure the
Lord will take care of me. I just wanted you to know how crazy it's
getting. And to vent a little, lol. It gets crazier but we don't have all

Sep 3, 2022

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