Living on borrowed time
This day I live
Lord I know it would not be mine
But a precious gift from you
Given one day at a time
My time is yours
It’s you I’ll serve
There’s nothing I’ve done
For this life to deserve
I pray you find me useful
With your holy plans
That you may send me
To people, battle or foreign lands
For you I’ll go wherever
And do your perfect will
I know you have plans for me
That I desire to fulfill
I know that I am worthy
But not for what I have done
My strength, my power, my authority
Comes only from your Son
In His name I will stand and fight
And this day I will proclaim His glory
I will take back the enemy ground
Serving my creator will be my story
We find a mind of doubt
Yes there’s a price that we must pay
Fear, confusion and selfishness
All can get in the way
But deep inside
Not body not mind
But spirit eternal
Will be where we find
The essence of our being
The force of who we are
A living soul created in the image of an almighty loving God
Destined to live forever in His midst among the very stars
It’s in these depths of soul that we must search
If we are to live and fight and love
With the courage that is necessary
To be useful to the One above
Lord let me remember
That this day is only mine
To serve and honor and love you
Because I’m living on borrowed time
Sep 13, 2024
