V's ALERT JUST IN 10:00 PM All over asia gold and silver is being bought up at a ravenous rate.
Steve, here is the latest rundown from the asian markets. The markets are responding very positively to the moves that the japanese have done. Everyone now understands that it is a race to the bottom. All over asia gold and silver is being bought up at a ravenous rate. India in spite of raising tariffs on gold imports have not in any reality stopped or slowed down their gold purchases one bit. Indonesia is going long on gold as they face a currency crises of their own and must devalue. Singapore and Vietnam is purchasing gold and silver at a rate that is staggering as well. The asian tigers all understand that it is now an official currency war and what japan has done has caused a regional conflagration that will cause further buying of gold, silver and other precious metals. India is facing a curreny crisis and is debasing now as well. Jan 27, 2013 |
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