It has been well documented by me that there was going to be a Precious Metals beatdown within the range of $1200 -$1400 per once of Gold and $20-$24 per ounce of Silver. Now the latest forecast from deep behind enemy lines was so earth shaking at first that I myself could not believe it. In fact I am still taking this with a grain of salt. From the inner recesses of International Banking, the Money Masters are deciding on a plan so daunting I do not even know if they can pull it off. That plan folks is to Smash Gold down to $800 to $1000 per ounce!!!! Silver between $16-$18 per ounce. Believe me they will market this as the much needed correction, they will trumpet it as the bull market run being over, thousands will dump what little they have in the open jaws of the Jackal Multinational Banks and the Central Banks that front for them.

I want you to be VERY VERY aware. This strategy while a last ditch effort to save the COMEX, FED and Bullion Banks will also have another driving benefit. It will drive out for good the speculators who have used the instrument of paper manipulation to dictate and affect the physical market for decades. The blowback of all of this is once again ever dwindling supplies of Physical PM's and acquisition premiums going through the roof. Folks what I am saying is if Silver goes to $16 an you think anyone will sell it in an environment in which there are dwindling supplies? NO! Of course NOT! This is going to be the beginning of the permanent dislocation of the Physical market from the Paper Market. I can see it now, ETF $16oz , Physical $40oz that looks like where we will be heading in the short term before the collapse finally arrives and PM's shoot to the moon.

Case in point. The Royal Canadian Mint just released a 1oz Buffalo Silver Commemorative coin at $100 face value, the darn thing is 96% sold out! Whats the big deal about that you say? Well last year the same Canuk mint released a $20 stamped Polar Bear Coin that never moved like this one. In fact stated "Royal Canadian Mint appears to be at or approaching a sell out with buyers getting a perceived bargain by paying face value." Did you get that? Buyers getting a perceived value. So what's really driving the blowout sale of 250,000 coins 96% sold out in days? Simple...The thirst for physical silver all over the world has dried up inventories everywhere, thus causing people to spend up to $100 an ounce and thinking it is a value!!! Why pray tell would the Royal Canadian Mint stamp a $100 face value on a one ounce Silver coin? Are they forecasting something? I think so. I sure do.

Folks watch the movement of oil...Remember this is one of the big indicators and on a future alert/ radio show I will correlate the relationship of Gold and Oil. The two major commodities of any sane nation looking to trade. If Oil continues it's rise there are fund managers in the Too PIG to Fails that are licking their chops to offset some of the worthless US treasuries that they are holding. What is a poor central banker to do? Print to Oblivion I guess. Hoover town here we come.

Be Ready-V-


May 22, 2013

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