Every bank transaction will require a bio-scan, whether it be a thumb print, palm scan or iris scan.
Regarding the recent flurry of reports regarding thumb prints and palm
About two years ago my local bank (Key bank - Bethel, Ohio) totally
renovated the building. The first time entering that branch after the
renovation, I noticed that there were thumb print readers at each teller
station, but they were turned off. About a year later, I had to go to the
bank for some reason and I noticed that the thumb print readers were still
in place but had not been activated in a whole years time.
I asked the teller why the thumb print readers were not being used, that it
seemed like a lot of wasted money, having these things installed and never
being used.
The teller told me that the thumb print readers were installed early,
making ready for when the complete system was rolled out and that, the
other Key bank branches were not upgraded yet.
The teller also told me that in the near future, every bank transaction
will require a bio-scan, whether it be a thumb print, palm scan or iris
I can only assume that course of action will follow over to food purchases
at the local grocery store, fuel purchases at your neighborhood gas station
and even the local restaurants, movie houses and any & every other form of
human activity that requires even the smallest form of monetary payment.
One World Government One World Currency One World Religion... It is
Jun 1, 2013