ALert: Rock You Like A Bank Holiday!!! -V'S LATEST 9/27/13

This morning Panamanian's and Gringo Expats looking to escape the long arm of Uncle Stalin (As I can not call him Uncle Sam) awoke to the world ending reality that they are on a bank holiday till October the 1st...

Folks this is not a joke. I have been warning about this it seems like forever. Many have forgotten the Banks Network shutdowns a few years ago in the UK with Nat West and RBS. The continued bank network failures over the years in the EU and the US were largely ignored as glitches.

Now the first chicken of the 2011 solvency crisis has come home to roost. Panama is down and are right now scrambling for solvency. Will they ask the Fed? Most likely. As Panama has always been a US intel hotspot.

This crisis is something that is not only being faced by the Panamanians but the Indians, Malaysians, Filipinos, Thai, and Indonesians. All nations that are being rocked by massive banking crisis. Why? Simple....the dollar is being killed you just have not felt the pain yet. Don't wait pull what you can NOW.

You Have Been Warned,

Sep 28, 2013

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