Video game call of duty and the Iluminati predictive programing embedded in it

Hello, Steve I read one of your alerts pertaining to a the Video game call of duty and the Iluminati predictive programing embedded in it. I noticed something else about it, The entire story line of the first game is about a US led invasion in a un named middle eastern country whose leader is coincidentally called Al-Assad he's leading a rebellion against the US invader when a nuke is set off and kills 6,000 marines which leads to an escalation of tensions between Russia and the US which ultimately leads to a Russian Invasion of the US. In the following games. The entire series is filled with predictive programming containing False Flag terrorist attacks by the CIA and betrayals by elements within the fictional US military against the "good Guys" (It mirrors a lot of information that you have spoken about for years)

Gods Speed R.M.

Nov 11, 2013

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