He's telling me his former CO's are beginning to whisper the word 'treason' among themselves, and it's getting louder.

For what it's worth, my brother was recently forceably retired by the Army as an E-8 over 40. (Enlisted in '69). He took a week off, then went back to work at the same facility doing the same thing for the same Natl Guard group as a civilian contractor. He's telling me his former CO's are beginning to whisper the word 'treason' among themselves, and it's getting louder. The major officers are all scared to death, as they are "old school" guys. They don't know what to do. The purgings are more than raising eye brows. Colonels (and higher up) know what's going on, but the younger officers are brain dead,and the non-coms may as well be literal sheep. They think my brother is crazy.

Unlike Coach Dave, he believes most (meaning almost everyone under the age of 30) soldiers will follow orders. No matter what they may be. Very few will disobey even blatantly unlawful orders in his opinion.
The other factor he's talked to me about (as strange as this sounds to some, likely not you) is the video game culture these kids are growing up in. He says many of them are brain-dead, psychopathic wannabes just waiting to take to the streets and act like they are in some EA Arts game. They couldn't care less, they just want to live out the fantasy!

Nov 25, 2013

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