NATIONAL SUPERMARKET PRODUCE BUYER SPEAKS UP-She's telling me if they don't get a substantial amount of rain this winter we can expect massive shortages of fruits and veggies come May, perhaps sooner

MY SISTER IN LAW is the main produce buyer for 'A NATIONAL SUPERMARKET CHAIN'S' Stores west of the Mississippi. She buys every bit of produce in the San Joaquin Valley she can get her hands on. Pine Flat Reservoir - a main water provider for Central Valley farmers - is at 16% water capacity and dropping by the day, with no rain/snow in sight. She's telling me if they don't get a substantial amount of rain this winter we can expect massive shortages of fruits and veggies come May, perhaps sooner. Many farmers are already talking about planting, then discing up their land and making crop insurance pay for it and not even bothering to try and produce a crop. This is an area that has already been devastated by the EPA, and only averages around 6" per yr. A massive amount of rain would be 10'-12", which still won't be enough. Most water comes as snow in the Sierra's and flows to the reservoirs. And it's just not coming.

Nov 25, 2013

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