I was a hospice nurse at the time and watched my peers die an agonizing death as a result of the Nevada test projects-downwinders they are called.

As a holistic nurse I have researched Fukushima and have found cesium 137 and strontium 90 to also be a concern. The half life on these are 28 and 30 years respectively. The effects of low level radiation are cumulative. I left the mainstream medical model in 2008 and never went back. I was a hospice nurse at the time and watched my peers die an agonizing death as a result of the Nevada test projects-downwinders they are called. Utah compensated the victims but Idaho admits guilt but no payment(where I was emloyed).
It is my duty to inform and warn and provide some simple solutions.
At Chernobyl the public was weary of the reindeer meat they consume that grazed on radioactive foliage. A group of scientists did an experiment to see if zeolite or bentonite clay could clear the radiation out of the meat. It did work. My first entries on my blog describe with references if interested- healthbeginsathome.com
Strontium mimics calcium and binds to bone. Kelp and apple pectin along with organic sulfur work for that.
Cesium 137 mimics potassium and attaches to heart and muscles and organs. Zeolite and bentonite clay work for that.
I run twice a year 10 day detoxification groups and am adding the zeolite and apple pectin along with sea vegetables for the iodine to the protocol. Get the word out that iodine is only a very small step in the journey of getting rid of the radiation in our bodies.

Jan 9, 2014

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